Resource List

Regardless of where you are living or what natural disaster you have weathered, the following is provided to support you in your recovery. 


#1 First Steps: Assess the damage, take pictures, take notes and document everything. This includes conversations with anyone doing assessment, claims, etc. including their names, contact info, when you had calls and case numbers when necessary. See details on “Documenting Disaster Damage Recommendations” below.


#2 Aid and Insurance: The agencies that can provide support will vary based on the ownership and structure of your business and property. There is a distinction between a business and a farm business as well as farm property and private property. Below you will find links to critical resources.


The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)

USDA disaster assistance programs At a Glance Guide

Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Risk Management Agency (RMA):https://www.farmers.gov/sites/default/files/2022-07/farmersgov-disaster-assistance-brochure-07-21-2022.pdf 


USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)

If you have had damage to installations funded through the USDA NRCS, we recommend you contact your local NRCS office and report the damage: https://www.farmers.gov/working-with-us/service-center-locator. If a high tunnel was damaged and it still had an active NRCS contract and was being used as intended, then contact your agent and explore possible reapplication for a high tunnel contract at the same rate as your previous application. Note that cost-share rates went up in 2023 so you might want to ask for a comparison of your old cost share rate and what a new rate would be if you submitted a NEW application (not a reapplication). Reapplications would be guaranteed. New applications are not. New applications as of 3/10/2023 would be considered in 2024. Also note that EQIP applications for Historically Underserved Farmers are all funded, as nearly all applications from Organic operations are funded. Keep this in mind when making a choice between submitting a reapplication or a new application. 


USDA’s Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool to find out what USDA programs are available can be found here: https://www.farmers.gov/protection-recovery/disaster-tool 


Documenting Disaster Damage Recommendations:

  • Report any damage to your property to your insurance company now. Don’t wait for an inspection to report the damage. 

  • Document your damage now and report it quickly to reduce the time of your claim process.

  • Document everything! Take pictures and videos to document damage. Before disposing of any damaged personal property, or agricultural products due to lack of power or other causes, take photos to document it.

  • Take photos of damaged agricultural equipment or structural issues with agricultural buildings. 

  • Document loss of livestock due to the storm.

  • Prevent further damage to your home or create a safe space for your livestock by making necessary temporary repairs.

  • Retain receipts for any repairs you make to your property or replacement items you have to purchase to maintain your home and livelihood.

  • Find a contractor you trust to give you an estimate for damages. With the number of claims processed during large-scale weather events, insurance companies may rely on your photos, descriptions, videos, and estimates without doing an inspection.


Emotional Support Resources

  • 1-800-985-5990 – The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.

  • 1-800-FARM-AID – For farm families under extreme stress who need a sympathetic ear, someone to listen and provide relief from the anxiety and desperation they may be experiencing.


Eastern Kentucky Floods, July 2022

To aid flood recovery efforts in eastern Kentucky, we’ve partnered with Grow Appalachia, Community Farm Alliance, Kentucky Center for Rural and Agricultural Development, Kentucky Horticulture Council, University of Kentucky and other partners to compile financial resources, guides and best practices for navigating resources, technical support, soil/produce/water safety, and mutual aid.


EKY Flood Recovery Resources